Registration Information
Please note - all online registrations include a slight payment processing fee; this is detailed during registration/checkout process.
We offer reciprocity for members of other states to take advantage of member pricing for conference. Please email your verification of your membership to
Click here to view an interactive system with presenter bios, presenter headshots, workshop schedule, and workshop descriptions!
Or click below for PDF documents with the same information:
Our deepest thanks to the sponsors listed below for their generous support of the 2023 NCRID Conference!
E & K Elkins, Inc.
For their generous sponsorship of the Gateway to Legal Interpreting workshop presented at Conference by Carla Mathers, Esquire, CSC, SC:Legal!
Clarity Language Access, LLC
For their generous sponsorship of interpreting services at our 2023 NCRID Conference!
DSDHH: Medicaid Communication Access Service
For their generous sponsorship of the quality healthcare presentations at this year’s conference!
For their generous sponsorship of our 2023 NCRID Conference!
Blue Ridge Community College
For their generous sponsorship of our 2023 NCRID Conference!
Access Interpreting Services
For their generous sponsorship of interpreting services at our 2023 NCRID Conference!
ZP Better Together
For their generous sponsorship of our 2023 NCRID Conference!
NCRID Foothills Region
For their generous sponsorship of presenter gifts at our 2023 NCRID Conference!
NCRID 5 Points Region
For their generous sponsorship of our 2023 NCRID Conference!
For their generous sponsorship of our 2023 NCRID Conference!
NCRID Eastern Region
For their generous sponsorship of presenter gifts and decorations at our 2023 NCRID Conference!
Early Bird Combo Registration: Before April 5, 2023
Note - Early Bird registration will only be accessible to NCRID Members as of 9/30/22 (or other AC members by that date); see this announcement for more information.
Members - $200
Students - $125
Regular Combo Registration: April 5, 2023 through May 31, 2023
Members - $250
Non-Members - $300
Students - $125
At-the Door Combo Registration: June 1, 2023 through Conference
Note - During At-the-Door window, no mail-in-registration, checks or money orders accepted; only online registration or cash payment on-site accepted.
Click button to register! ->
Members - $300
Non-Members - $350
Students - $125
Daily Registration: April 5, 2023 through Conference
Click button to register! ->
Members/Non-Members - $25
Click button to register! ->
Members - $175
Non-Members - $200
Click button to register! ->
Members - $125
Non-Members - $150
Hotel Info: Hilton Charlotte University Place
8629 JM Keynes Dr. Charlotte, NC 228262
Room block/rate ends June 2 or until full! $135/night
Group code: NCRID (phone). Group rate available June 13-18
Students: For the purposes of Conference registration, the student rate is applicable to all full-time ITP/IPP students. Students must send a copy of their current class schedule (screenshot of student portal is acceptable) and student ID to in order to receive the discounted registration.
Membership: To be eligible for the member rate for conference one must have an active membership during the membership year July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023.
Early Bird: If you held a 2022-2023 membership before September 30, 2022, we have EARLY BIRD registration open just for you till APRIL 4! An email has been sent to those eligible for this member exclusive access so secure your seat today! *Some sessions have limited seating per the presenter. Membership contact:
For both of these considerations, we offer reciprocity to members of other state Affiliate Chapters of RID; contact to submit proof of membership (with date of purchase if for Early Bird). Thanks for being involved with NCRID!
Communication Access Request: The 2023 Conference Communication Policy is as follows: Workshops will be presented in the mode most natural to the presenter or which best fits the content. All workshops will be accessible in ASL; interpreters will be provided in workshops presented in spoken English. Any additional communication needs are to be emailed to before May 15, 2023.
Refund/Cancellation Policy: All refund requests must be made in writing, postmarked or emailed by May 31, 2023 to Trula Baker, No refunds will be issued until 30 days after the completion of conference. In the event conference is cancelled, all registrants will be notified and provided a 100% refund.
Joni Hedrick - Conference Chair
general conference information
Trula Baker - Treasurer/Membership
Makayla Radford/Gabby Blankenship - Student Rep Coordinators
student volunteers/reps
Kayla Marshall - CMP Coordinator
CEU processing
CEU questions
Matt Baccari - Media Chair
social media