Call for Regional Representatives


Are you interested in representing your region on the NCRID Board? Regional Representative positions serve in 2-year terms, and are elected in odd-numbered years. Interested parties should send the completed nomination form to

Regional Committee Representative nominees shall be received by the Board of Directors based on letter of interest and 10 signatures (can be via email) of NCRID members then voted on by the general membership bi-annually on odd numbered years. These positions will not be limited in number of consecutive terms.

Regional Committee Representatives shall provide reports of committee actions, reflecting the special issues and/or concerns of the local membership and shall faithfully bring issues of their region to the attention of the Board of Directors.

Regional Committees shall provide regional representation and coordinate professional development opportunities in their areas.

The Regional Committees shall be made up of members from their relative region with no number of members specified.

NCRID Regional Representative Nomination Form

NCRID Bylaws