Sponsorship Applications - OPEN

Deadline: June 4, 2022


Thanks to all our sponsors and partners like you, our first ever virtual conference in 2021 was a success! Despite it being our first experience hosting a virtual conference, we successfully offered two concurrent tracks over two days, offering up to 1.5 CEUs to attendees. Please consider this invitation for your level of involvement for 2022 and how you would like to be represented at our largest interpreter event of the year.

Conference SPONSORS have several options for donating:

  • Gold ($1000+ OR In-kind contribution equaling this level)
    Includes: complimentary combo conference admission for TWO and advertisement on our website and before, during, and after all the workshops both days

  • Silver ($500-$999 OR In-kind contribution equaling this level)
    Includes: complimentary combo conference admission for ONE and advertisement on our website and before, during, and after all the workshops both days

  • Bronze ($100-$499 OR In-kind contribution equaling this level)
    Includes: advertisement on our website and before, during, and after all the workshops both days

Deadline:   June 4, 2022

If you would like become a sponsor or exhibitor for the 2022 conference please take a moment to fill out one of the online or mail-in forms below.

Online: Sponsorship