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"Audism Unveiled" Film Screening & Panel Discussion

Audism is a newer term invented in 1975 but only recently gaining more attention. While the term is new, sadly the practice of audism is not. Audism is defined as "the notion that one is superior based on one's ability to hear or to behave in the manner of one who hears and speaks." "Audism Unveiled" is a documentary film made in 2008 by professors from the Deaf Studies Department at Gallaudet University. Distributed by Dawn Sign Press, the film is "an eye opening display of Deaf individuals and their first hand experience with audism." After viewing the 60 minute documentary together, we will have a panel discussion with Deaf individuals who are willing to share their own personal life experiences related to audism with us.

We are thrilled to host this event with our moderator, Karen Gabriel who will lead the discussion with Darian Burwell, Heather Foster, and Richard Watkins Jr.

Karen is a Certified Deaf Interpreter based in Morganton. She provides interpreting services virtually & in-person as well as training on working with Deaf Interpreters. She has previously resided in Florida & Washington DC. Darian enjoys the Arts & travel. Through her full-time managerial position at DSDHH, Darian provides training & works to improve awareness on issues impacting the Deaf/Hard of Hearing/DeafBlind communities. Heather is born & raised in NC and attended NCSD in her youth. She currently holds a management position with DSDHH. Richard was also born and raised in NC. After graduating completing a graduate degree in social work, he worked with the DeafBlind community in Norway.  All four of our guests have either received at least one post-secondary degree from Gallaudet or have worked at Gallaudet University in the past.