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A New Generation of Slang - Part 2: Application (0.3)

Part 2 has a focus on the application of the words we learned in Part 1 and much time will be spent in breakout rooms where the participants are able to practice what has been learned in the workshop. Have you ever been interpreting and heard the phrase “Mrs Sabrina you be channeling the chucks!!!” or “I can’t believe he threatened to steal on her!!”. We all experience hearing slang working in the educational system, VRS, and freelance assignments. The problem is, what do we do with it? This workshop takes a look at slang that is used by the current younger generation and addresses the issue of what does an interpreter do when they hear these phrases. This workshop teaches skills that help educate interpreters on current slang, how to interpreter slang, and what to do when they are faced with terms they are unfamiliar with.