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Building a Culture of Diversity Appreciation: Beyond Minoritized (0.3)

This workshop looks at the definition of Diversity (capital D) and discusses the impact that common usage and overuse has had on our own professional, personal, and societal psyche in relation to Diversity. We craft out what a culture of Diversity looks like, both personally and professionally, through dialogue and inquiry to develop a culture of D/diversity appreciation in the field of ASL interpreting. Included in the workshop are discussions about 1) different types of diversities, 2) intersectionality, 3) microaggressions, 4) identity and identity politics, and 5) creating a professional space that engenders, acknowledges and promotes diversity appreciation, not just the idea of diversity. We look at ways to highlight, spotlight, and confront attitudes and behaviors that serve as barriers to a culture of diversity appreciation, highlighting anti-blackness ideologies and emphasizing anti-racism approaches.