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Presenter: Daniel Maffia
Bio: Daniel Maffia is the interpreting program director, practicum coordinator, and a senior lecturer with the department of American Sign Language and English Interpreting Department’s Interpreter Education Program at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf teaching at both the Bachelors and Master's degree level. He obtained his bachelor's degree in Interpreting at the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2009. In 2010 he became certified and in 2014 earned his Masters in Interpreting Studies with an emphasis in Teaching Interpreting from Western Oregon University. Previously Daniel served as a staff interpreter in the Department of Access Services at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Daniel continues interpreting in the Video Relay, Community, and healthcare settings. Daniel is also the co-author of the Introduction to VRS Curriculum Guide book. He has shown his commitment to the field by serving on various boards both local and national for RID, as well as most recently on the board for CCIE. Daniel’s research interests relate to reflective practice and Demand-Control Schema, in which he presents workshops for interpreters nationally and internationally. Lastly in his spare time Daniel is a certified personal and group exercise trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.